Since Mar 28, 2002

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Twenty-seven year old conservative male from Kentucky, now transplated to Missouri (via wife). Have three children, all of whom I hope to see inherit the same great nation I did. Spent twelve years in Southeast Asia (primarily Hong Kong and Taiwan). Had brief stint in the USMC and dropped out of college to marry almost six years ago.

Chairman of the College Republicans at Northern Kentucky University, 1994-1996.

Chairman of Alan Keyes' campaign in Kentucky in 1996.

Have campaigned for Keyes, Bush, Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning (in KY), Senators John Ashcroft and Christopher Bond (in Missouri) and Missouri Reps. Blount and Emerson.

Currently campaigning for Jim Talent to unseat Senator Carnahan.

Voted in three presidential elections now - Bush/Dole/Bush - and trying to amend for my parent's mistake of voting for Jimmy Carter in 1976. *LOL*

I'm an avid reader and I am presently seeking to direct my energies towards a conservative and American renaissance in my lifetime. All help towards these ends is welcome.