Since May 11, 2004

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I am a 39 year old conservative male who is pro American traditonal values and I am becoming very frustrated with the Liberal garbage being crammed down the throats of Americans young and old!I am very pleased to have discovered this website but am having trouble figuring it out,any help would be apprec.
I recently stumbled onto a website called Best and Worst .com and this was the most digusting left wing propaganda machine I have ever seen!Young Americans doing nothing but bashing Prez Bush and all conservative values,laughing and making fun of the U.S.soldiers being killed in Iraq!These liberals are truly mentally deranged and by this experience and my everyday encounters with people whom follow the democrat party and the left wing news media like they are the end all be all I fear very much for America's future!I only pray that liberals don't take back power in this country because if they do all of our fallen soldiers and victims of terror wil have died for nothing!And as result we will lose the war on Islamic fascists attempts to take over the world!Make no mistake that is what they are trying to do!But libs think that gay marriage and civil rights for the islamo maniacs are more important than winning the war!These insane liberal democrats wont have civil rights,gay marriage ,economy or a nice car and home if these Barbaric islamic forces manage to destroy Washington,DC.and or New York city completely!Although I would'nt be sad if Ted Kennedy were to take the full brunt of a deadly terror attack ha ha ha !This maniac should be impeached thrown out of the senate and imprisoned for treason at the least sedition for deliberately undermining the war effort along with the rest of the left wing morons!Anyway I live in a small town in Missouri and am looking forward to interesting and level headed information and conversation on this website!