Since Mar 8, 2005

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A 21 year-old (Altar server) College student who attends the Tridentine (Indult) Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of Precept.

"Qualis vita, finis ita" ~St. Jerome

"Conquer thyself and the world lies at thy feet" ~St. Agustine

"Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you." ~St. Agustine

"If a child goes to Hell because of the neglect of the parents teaching them their [Catholic] Faith, you can be sure the parents will follow." ~ St. John Vianney

"This world is thy ship and not thy home" ~St. Thérèse

"We are all like little mirrors, in which God contemplates Himself. How can you expect that God should recognize His likeness in an impure soul?" ~St. John Vianney