Since Dec 16, 2004

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I am an Arizona Conservative. I once was a demo-rat, but now I have been saved! Born and raised in Ohio (never more proud to be from Ohio then in November 2004)
I stand with my President George W. Bush.
I believe in Life.
I believe in Family.
I believe it takes a family to raise a child....not the village.
I take responsibility for myself.....I do not expect anyone else to take it for me.
I have 2 children, boys now grown and on their own, one is married to a wonderful woman, one engaged to a wonderful woman. I have 2 Beautiful Grandchildren who have stolen my heart.
I have many demo-rats in my family, I pray for them daily. We never let polotics come between us! Not worth it!
I listen to Rush and Sean daily and talk radio KFYI all day long!
God Bless you and God bless America!
To those liberials who offer the talking point of "we support our troops but not the war", Please find a new slogan that best express your feelings....like:"we hope the war is a failure so Bush fails"! Because that is really what you mean!
I dislike Hillary, Kennedy, Polosi, Reid, and many more. They are liars, murders and cheats. God help us to stop them! I have a wonderful, handsome husband who is a die hard conservative and comes from a wonderful conservative family.....I am loved and blessed.