Katherine Anne
Since Oct 10, 2011

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Hi, I am a conservative Christian, very motivated to get involved in the 2012 elections to bring our country back to it’s constitutional principles. I recently innitiated a facebook group, the “On Your Knee(s) Party”. This group was created with the “Tea Party” grass roots uprising in mind. Knowing that powerful forces of evil will come against all God-fearing candidates, this is a call to prayer. Electing ethical, conservative candidates in 2012 is critical if we are to turn the course of this great Nation back to God. Please considering joing the group and please send us names of candidates for which we can pray.

I’d like to ask for prayer for Herman Cain,that the forces of evil may be bound, and that he goes with God’s protection and care, unscathed by the media’s coming vicious attacks.

I am a writer, the author of “The Pewsitters”, a collection of skits and devotions for both church and home.