Since Feb 3, 1998

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Born a conservative, will die a conservative. I can accept Rov V. Wade in its original content and intent. But partial birth abortions and late term abortions and abortion on demand is a sin against God and therefore also my country. You will have to take my right to own a gun over my dead body. I volunteered my existence to the USMC in late 1962. Fortunately for me, I was never called upon to enter 'harms way' in Viet Nam, (but I was there and ready), but my HS classmates were, 18 of them never got a chance to marry a good women, never got a chance at the American dream. Six were maimed for life...never to leave a wheel chair forever. I will despise Jane Fonda and LBJ the rest of my life. Jesus forgives, but I don't. I want my government to be neither big or small, just effective, honest, fair, and Godly, and a protector of me, the little guy. That rules out liberal brain-deadism rignt off the bat. Jim Trowbridge, Kansas City Missouri jim.trowbridge@sbcglobal.net