Joseph Leming
Since Nov 9, 2003

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Hello fellow conservatives and lovers of freedom!

My name is Joseph Leming and I registered with the public forum to share my views and experience yours. I am a political junkie who believes that liberalism is a dangerous philosophy! While I believe in freedom of speech and respecting other points of view. I also believe that we must keep liberalism under control through public debate. Reasonable clear thinking people will always side with us if we keep our arguments sharp, well thought out and civilized. We do not always do a good job of arguing our point of view! I have been frusterated many times watching political debates on news programs where the conservative was flat out incompetent in their argument. Liberals use emotion to sway people which is a very powerful and effective tool. In order to preserve our freedom and security we must polish our arguments so that we can get President Bush re-elected and keep the momentum rolling! I look foreward to our future correspondance. God bless America!