Since Aug 13, 2003

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I am 77 years old, and glad to be alive. I am a WWII Navy Veteran. I got into the war near the end and was in Tokyo Bay when the surrender was signed. Japan in the Yokasuka Naval Station area on the day of the signing of the surrender was a sharp contrast to Iraq today. Two other sailors and I walked around on shore for about two hours that day. We were not carrying any guns. There were no shore patrol or military police around, in fact there was hardly anyone is sight that day, General McArthur had declared a Holiday for the Japanese, and the Japanese were supposed to stay in their homes for the Holiday. The three of us were not in sight of any other sailors or anyone else for most of the time that we were walking around. But we did get back to the ship on time. We got to walk around a little more the following day, but this time there were Japanese women in the dock area carrying parcels of some kind around. It was back to work for the Japanese. That same day our ship left, and we never returned.

I got sidetracked here. I am mostly interested in the Chandra Levy murder investigation, and I also post at The investigation was flawed, and some politics seemed to be part of the obstruction. No one in authority really wanted to get involved. It took the DC Police 11 weeks to get into Condit's apartment to search it. He was the intimate friend of Chandra Levy, and his apartment should have been searched almost immediately.

That tells a little about me, probably too much. I am a fourth generation Californian. Also I am not 100% sure of all the posting requirements here at Free Republic.