Since May 4, 1999

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"When in the course of human events, it becomes neccesary for one people to seperate themselves from another, and to assume among the powers of the earth a seperate and equal station...."
--Declaration of Independance, adopted July 4, 1776

225 years ago, brave men met and formed what would be the United States of America. One of my ancestors fought in the War of Independance as a colonel from the state of Virginia. His grandson, from Roanoke was also a Colonel who served under Gen Thomas "Stonewall Jackson during the Civil War, AKA "war of northern aggression," depending on your particular views, all of which I honor and respect.

Another grandson, my 3X grandfather emigrated to Kentucky, and via that branch also to Ohio and Indiana. All were firm believers in civil liberties and the right of the individual to thrive and succeed using his own energy and his own initiative. Most of my family still believes this.

I am a second-generation Californian who has watched and did little as my home state deteriorated into what could be considered the "Laughingstock" of the nation.


I now dedicate the remainder of my life to correcting the evils that have been perpitrated on my state and nation.

Whatever it takes to corrct these evils, I will actively support and promote. At present, I am deeply committed to correcting the following:
1. Reforming election codes, particularly those of voter eligability and combatting fraud of all kinds;
2. Reforming the Electoral College state-by-state to adopt the system used by Nebraska and Maine; and to
3. Advocate patriotic organizations dedicated to protecting the rights of the individual.

No better forum for the accomplishment of these three aims exists than FREE REPUBLIC

God bless all of you, God bless Jim Robinson, God bless FreeRepublic, and God bless America!