Since Aug 29, 1999

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The fast and reliable identification of disruptors is something that is missing here.....We have certainly gathered up our share of them. All of the attention during the last election has given a powerfull voice to many who would otherwise go un-heard. We share their views and their causes, but it has become very difficult to keep a thread on topic these days.
The disruptors are here to point out our spelling mistakes, call us names, and fill threads with soul-less drivel. We may know them from their methods. Those who seem to always be here, have vast reams of information, or dis-information ready for posting in a moments notice. They defend impossible positions for the government, and never add anything of substance to a discussion. The longer they can drive a thread, the better job they are doing.
I come here all the time and by the time I do the research to post a reply to a topic, its over. The best I can hope for is to work with a thread like this for a few hours.
Some characteristics of a disruptor. 1. Absurd positions on an issue. Trying to equate a girl imprisoned in a closet to a family under siege.
2. Large amounts of information available at a moments notice with no way to trace it.
3. Failure to engage in constructive debate.
4. Slander, name calling, insults, and character assualts.
5. Constant presence on the forums,it seems like it's a job for them, (it is).
6. A distinct tendency to "tag Team" a thread.
Please feel free to help identify these persons, and expose them.