Joe Anybody
Since Mar 8, 2003

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Joe Anybody



Joe Anybody:  A native Idahoan living in Sacramento, CA.  Lover of backpacking, hiking, news, and Search and Rescue volunteer work.

I stumbled onto the Free Republic by accident.  In March of 2003, I was surfing the net collecting news/opinion links.  While reading an editorial that was slamming president bush for not clearing his foreign policy through the UN, I clicked into the most depressing website that I have ever found.  The site was a message board for liberals (that will remain un-named). I couldn't believe the arrogant, ignorant, crap that was posted.  I mistakenly thought that they were interested in debate, entered their civil rights forum, and tried to respectfully defend the writings of Paul using a verse from Galatians.  Apparently they were not familiar with the verse because I lasted 5 minutes before being banned for life.  People that read my post were calling me a Fundie, a FReeper, and other words that start with the letter F.  I had no idea what a FReeper was.

It took me a few more days to find the Free Republic, but I have loved this message board since.  I don't post often, but frequently lurk in the news forum.