Since Apr 23, 2000

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I'm a MidWesterner for nearly all of my life, but like many have had to move around to stay employed inspite of education and experience. I'm waiting for what will probably be another move within the Midwest. Any more, we have moved so many times (6) for mostly crappy jobs, that we don't want to move too far from home (Chicago/NW Indiana)any more. But we got to do what you have to do.

After over a year of under-employment, I finally found a decent full-time job, but we had to relocate again. But it wasn't too bad --- moving from Wisconsin to Kansas City, MO. It could have been a lot worst. But we are here to stay. The job goes well and might be enough freepers and potential converts to work on.

Ultimately, since I am from the Rust Belt, I would really like to recover or restart a business that has been lost --- there would be nothing better than to bring decent-paying jobs back to the U.S. But that takes time and resources; however, I am working on that. I worked in the steel mills of NW Indiana in order to put myself through college, and I know what manufacturing is all about (dirty, greasy hands and all) --- It's called work and I am not afraid of it. Hopefully, it will all pay off, and not just for myself, but for others as well.

I am nearly a die-hard Republican, but full-blooded conservative going back to the policitical foundation established by Barry Goldwater and then President Ronald Reagan. I have seen and heard about so much business and government corruption, you can't help but want to try to fix things before it is too late.

It is time to fight the good fight! Go Free Republic!!!!!! See my political/economic website: It is still in development, but if you have any comments, please let me know!