Since Sep 6, 2004

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Well back into the political side of life after about twelve years away from it.

My first vote was cast in 1980 when I turned eighteen for my hero, Ronald Wilson Reagan. It was a vote I have never regretted.

I started getting involved in the local Republican party and College Republicans. At that time, Republicans were still pretty much on the outside looking in.

I helped with some local campaigns. Then in 1984 while attending UNT (at the time it was call NTSU, I volunteered in the Dick Armey campaign. It was Dick's first run for office. We worked our butts off. My first job was taking pre-printed letters that had a space for a personal greeting at the top. I had to line the type up on an IBM selectric typewriter and type in the name of ther receipient. Eventually, we did get a computer. It was one of those big clunky desktops with a "huge" floppy. I forgot how many inches it was. For you young ones, there was no hard drive, USB ports, firewire, etc. But it did have a wordprocessor, database and mail merge. I got to be involved in a lot of fun stuff that we used to tweak the dems and get a little press attention. I was at the Dick Armey's watch party and spend a lot of the evening in his Hotel suites with the paid campaign staff. That was a ball. The results were slow in coming in, but when we all went to bed that evening, Dick was several hundred votes ahead, much to my suprise. The area was such a Democratic stronghold, it didn't seem possible we might win this one. In the morning, it was announced that Armey had won. We were overwhelmed.

After that, Dick never really had to do any real campaigning. He outpolled everyone on the ballot, even the President. That was the real kicker for Republicans in this county and the first death groans of the democrats. Now, the only Democrats that usually appear on the ballots are Statewide and Federal races and those are slowly going away as well. I have never regretted being part of Dick's campaign. We didn't agree on every issue, probably about ninety percent. BUT I ALWAYS KNEW WHERE HE STOOD!

I volunteered in a number of political campaigns and enjoyed the experiences but when I ended up giving my life to Christ and he essentially pulled me away from politics. I voted, but I wasn't really involved.

That's changed just recently. Now I feel I need to be involved, so I'm back....

By the way, I love this site and you Freepers are tops. I wish this had been around in the eighties.