Since Aug 16, 2003

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Why do Christians have crucifixes?

Johnny Cash's Video "Hurt"

Does God save us because we first "chose" Him?

Distinguishing Law and Gospel

CA Recall

Tom McClintock For Governor

Archive of McClintock's TV/Radio Appearances

"But the war against waste ultimately transcends partisanship. The Senate district from which I was elected in a landslide in 2000 also voted for Al Gore. I can tell you that the quest to restore sound fiscal management resonates deeply in Democratic constituencies as well." -- Tom McClintock, 2001 Speech

"We can do this. Last fall, I received more cross-over Democratic votes, more independent votes and more total votes than any other Republican on the ballot. Running for Controller, I received 103,000 votes more than our candidate for Governor. I believe the hour has come. " -- Tom McClintock, 2003 Speech

REAL VOTERS SPEAK OUT... "I have been a Democrat most of my life, though I have occasionally voted for a Republican like Ronald Reagan...I thought that you were too conservative for me to even consider and was going to vote for Schwarzenegger, until I listened to you at the debate last night. You are the right leader for our State at this time. I will always remain a Democrat for McClintock." -- Natalie, Fair Oaks

How will McClintock cut CA government spending?

A Conversation With Tom McClintock: "Human Events" talks to McClintock about the issues

Is a vote for McClintock really just a vote for Bustamante?: what we can learn from "The Simpsons"

What are voters looking for in a candidate?: "issues" vs. "leadership"

Good things said by famous people about McClintock: by Flashman_at_the_charge

Who speaks for Schwarzenegger, and when do they speak for him?: another reason why McClintock should stay in [Followup: on radio shows on 8/25, Schwarzenegger said he would rescind the tripling of the car tax]

McClintock is the Medicine that California Needs -- George Will

"I am the only candidate at this table who has signed a no-tax pledge. I am the only candidate at this table who supports Proposition 54 to stop the government from racially classifying every one of us. I'm the only candidate at this table that opposes the bill that gives driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. I'm the only candidate at this table who's pro-life. I'm the only candidate who supports the entire Bill of Rights, including our Second Amendment. And I'm the only candidate who for 20 years in the public arena has proposed and fought for precisely those fiscal forms that are desperately needed to straighten out this state's finances." -- Tom McClintock, September 24, 2003 Debate

"People tell me all the time that 'you care more about your principles than you care about winning'. First of all, I believe that if you stick to your principles, you will win. And secondly, if you don't stick to your principles, what is the point of winning?" -- Tom McClintock, September 24, 2003

"When I entered this race, I made a promise to stay in right to the finish line. I keep my promises." -- Tom McClintock, September 24, 2003