Since Apr 12, 2007

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Lets face it.

We are at war with radical Islam, political Islam and those who support Islamic extremism. We are in the fight of our lives with those who wish to convert us or kill us. We are at war, not only in a battle against the several radicalized generations that hate America, Israel and the Western world, but we are also at war with ourselves. We are in ideological war with those who are incapable of recognizing Good vs. Evil.

I’m here to clear things up…

I started this blog after realizing that if I can’t serve in the military, this is my way of serving my country.
I’m a staunch supporter of

* Individual liberty
* National security
* 2nd Amendment rights
* Our number one ally, Israel
* American culture and the English language
* Our Military, the mission, and VICTORY
* Free markets and Capitalism
* A small and limited government
* Border security
* The right to life

I am a staunch opposer of:

* Radical Islam
* Quiet, do-nothing Islamic “moderates”
* Socialism and Leftist ideology
* Totalitarian Islamic governments
* Progressive Liberalism
* High taxes
* a Dhimmified Europe
* Lying politicians on both sides