Since May 15, 2006

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Proud to be a Bush Babe. This president is beautiful both inside and out.

Favorite Photos

Image and video hosting by TinyPicIf that were a red rose in his hand, this photo would be perfect.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThis photo was the first picture I ever posted on the Dose, and it is hands down my favorite. I also picked it for my first ever Dose toaster. Someone dubbed it the "Tease-in-Chief" picture that night after I remarked on the tantalizing sight of his open buttons. In any case, our gorgeous prez makes for some great artwork.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThis man looks good in anything. It's hard to tell if his costume looks more like Chinese PJs or more like something you would see on a toy action figure. But we can't call it a total fashion flub. That regal shade of blue suits him perfectly.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThis picture captures President Bush's very essence, a perfect combination of strength and sweetness. He encircles the child in his well-toned, masculine arms. It is obvious he works out. His face shows a gentler side. His sunshiny smile reveals nothing but tenderness toward the little girl. Anyone who didn't know would think he was her daddy.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Dubya looks so pleased and shocked at the Italian greeting it makes me laugh. Not to mention, anytime I see an Italian kissing another man's cheek, the words "you broke my heart" come to mind.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThis photo just cried out to be posted. "Please, please? Pretty please? Pick me too." How could I refuse an expression like that? He's not the world's most powerful man here; he's the little kid who knows he can get his way if he just looks at you with puppy eyes long enough.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThe "oooohhhh" factor just went up several notches. George H.W. looks so proud, and Dubya is just eating it up. The almost-matching outfits make the photo doubly cute.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicI had to include at least one "flight suit" pic. The tongue gesture augments the tough-guy look with a bit of playful sass. The word "spicy" sums it up well.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPicMasculine beauty knows no age, and these photos prove it. President Bush is as striking at 60 as he was at 20. The two pictures on the left are nearly the same pose at different angles. He hasn't changed a bit. He simply replaced his sweet boyish look with some cowboy ruggedness. The two rightmost photos show it too, but you can see it best in his eyes and his lips. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised when I found the "young George" photos. I assumed he was handsome, but I never expected him to be the type of guy that ordinarily turns my head. As it turns out, he fits it completely.

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Here he is looking like a true patriot.

Here are a couple of collages I've created:

"Dubya Mania"

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"Find W."

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