Since Feb 8, 2009

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If one were to believe the audacity of hype, the 2008 election caused the conservative movement to shipwreck off the coast of relevancy. As a result, conservatives, Political Castaways all of us, are forced to regroup and be heard once again.

To reestablish and modernize the conservative movement so it dominates and becomes once again the basis for the political philosophy of this exceptional nation, we seek to educate by blogging on pressing issues of the day and invite all comments on those topics.

As conservatives, we are nervous about the prospect of a committed liberal occupying the White House, and we are frustrated with the inability of the mainstream media to hold President Obama to his words. We commit to keeping an Eye on his Presidency, to critically evaluate his actions and policies, and to compare his presidential conduct to his campaign rhetoric.

This is the mission.

-The Castaways: Selkirk, Pitcairn, and Hythloday