Honor above all
Since Aug 5, 2004

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I am a 50 year old father of three. Married to the same beautiful woman for 26 years. Christian, conservative socially and fiscally.

Family is the cornerstone of our civilized world. That is not to say that if someone chooses not to have a family they are somehow making a mistake or are not valuable to society. However, now is the time to shut down those who would attempt to destroy the family structure.

I believe that the US has made mistakes in the past and will do so again. BUT THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE ON THE PLANET THAT I WOULD RATHER BE! We are a blessed nation and I am proud to be an American. (STILL)

My oldest son is a Police officer in a small community in the Pacific Northwest. I am very proud of him and his committment and I am very grateful and supportive of all the men and women in uniform, whether in the armed services or on local police forces.

Save our country, Stand for Liberty, Stand for Honor, Stand for Freedom.

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