Since Feb 7, 2001

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"Never mistake kindness for weakness..."
"There's always room for one more body up on the crow tree"

I'm a proud member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ,
Pro-gun (and the more the better),
Anti-spam, Anti-marketing participant (no, merchant, you may not have my zipcode),
Pro-religious freedom (and yes, I am a proud and unhumbled Pagan, as my Nordic ancestors were. Get over it),
Beer loving (who isn't ?),
Anti-welfare/ Anti-Excessive Taxation/ Anti-Big Govt.
Pro-personal responsibility kind of guy.

Big Thanks to Free Republic for existing!

p.s. I check my mail very rarely. Any "flame mail" from puny girlymen who are secretly insecure in their own religious beliefs will be held up for public ridicule. Sad, but that happens here (yes, I know it's a minority of morons who do that kind of thing, and that we all ocassionally have to suffer their shameful ignorance). Remember folks - freedom of religion is for ALL religions, even ones you don't understand or agree with. Keep yer powder dry and your hammer shiny.