His Gentle Grace
Since Aug 28, 2005

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My view on the "Israel/Palestine Conflict" is: Israel is God's "Chosen People" and no matter what happens in Current News, Events and around the World, Israel will NEVER BE REMOVED FROM THEIR STATEHOOD. It may appear that it is being stripped away little by little at present time. But that is ONLY TEMPORARY IN GOD's PERFECT WILL and TIMING. He KNEW from the VERY BEGINNING what is happening today with Israel and NOTHING has taken Him by surprise! Because, it is written in the King James Bible and in Prophecy all throughout the O/T.(Isa. Ezek., Dan. and even Psalms), that God's hand is upon Israel and that no matter what, he will never forsake them. Although Israel has turned its back on Him many times over by NOT acknowledging him as Lord, Saviour, Redeemer, Messiah. (They in truth do not believe he has been resurrected from the dead 2005 years ago. Instead, most Israeli Jews believe His body was stolen out of the tomb and this is how it is explained to this day his disappearce).
Through the Great Tribulation also known in scripture as(Daniels Seventieth Week),Israel will in deed along with the rest of the world go through this horrible time. But will in the end recognize their sin and repent and call on their Forever Messiah and Redeemer! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ABOUT MY WEBSITE: I am in the construction stages and still building so everyone come by and give me a look or two. I'd love to have you drop in and pay me a visit. Any comments or suggestions anyone might have would be taken into consideration. OR if someone might have country templates, websites or clipart, Christian sites, or any knowledge of websites designs, etc that would be of benefit, please let me know. Thank you :-)