Since Aug 15, 2009

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Just another “HARD” working conservative “SICK” about 0bamacare Who completely supports and is proud of my local Minutemen Project as well as Jim Gilchrist who will be opposing the rino McCain in the upcoming election.......

*****Note to admin*****: I usually access from 2 IP Addresses (one work, one home) so please dont ban my account, yes I actually have a job unlike libbys

Carry around a pocket Constitution with me constantly

Would love to meet other Arizonans (native)and engage in local efforts to protest 0bamacare, am in the Sun City/Surprise area but love taking weekend trips on my Harley to meet like-minded consservatives(used to live in Phoenix but that place has gone down hill and you can really see the effects of unrestrained illegal immigration there, but again will travel there to Capitol and such to protest or meetup)

Glad to speak my mind remember free speech is still legal and ours, WE elected THEM, THEY answer to US......emaikl me at roderi15 ((gmail))