Gen. Longstreet
Since Jun 16, 2003

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General James Longstreet was a great southern general, Robert E. Lee's "old warhorse." Despite his own opposition to slavery, he fought gallantly for his homeland, the South. But once the war was over, Longstreet worked hard to bring Southern society fully back into the union, and also to protect the rights of the newly freed slaves. He was one of the few prominent southerners to join the Republican Party, and served in the administration of his old West Point friend and Civil War conquerer, U.S. Grant. For this he was much vilified in the old South.

Now, however, the South has followed General Longstreet. As another Virginia Republican who believes, like General Longstreet, in equal rights for individuals (rather than social status based on race), I chose my moniker to honor this great soldier, patriot, Virginian, and Republican.