Since Mar 5, 2011

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I am an anti-federalist. It is time to fortify states’ rights because the federal government is ever encroaching on the natural and the Constitutional rights of US Citizens.

I prefer to be anonymous, because, like the great Federalist, we now know as Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, and a few others, to be sure (IMHO), all used pseudonyms to protect themselves from the Crown. Even today, anti-federalists need to protect themselves from all central authority abuses.

I want to reveal and discuss Arizona issues primarily, as I am safely away out-of-state. Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be a target, but so will Steve Farley (D-Tucson). I hold no party affiliation because I feel many have betrayed the people because they have been seduced by self-interest and greed. [One of the main reasons I could never support Donald Trump]

I want to support the Tea Party but I want to make sure that I am not branded by extremism that crops up from time to time. I would love to have a credible Tea Party Candidate, but I don’t think any sophisticated enough have popped up yet.

Wherever there are abuses of power or injustices, I will speak up.