Free in PRA
Since Jul 11, 2005

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Living free in Northern Virginia's socialist county, The Peoples Republic of Arlington. Should I post that there are only DemocRat elected party members running this area? Any such postings would be redundant. I choose this name (PRA) to honor an older resident, who comes to the local county council meetings and loudly proclaims in his remarks that he is thankful to present his case to the " People's Republic of Arlington."

My father used to say " That is what happens when there is 40+ years of Democrats ruling Congress. All their staffers come to DC, and then bore into gov positions when they loose their Hill jobs." The local politics in this area gives a whole new meaning to the word: Boll Weevil, a pest that stays and eats you alive, as there are only a few of us natives left in Northern Virginia!

If you think the National News coming out of Washington is strange and "PC", you should live here! The 3 ring circus is a daily event.