Since Dec 9, 1997

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I would like to say that I no longer live in New Jersey and have been out of the loop with my New Jersey Freepers. I now live in New Hampshire and have been to a few tea parties held at the 1775 Restaurant in Tilton, NH. I would like to be in contact with NH Freepers but don't quite know how. And to my NJ Freepers that I no longer live in NJ. Want to copy here a letter I wrote to the Editor of our Free Paper the “Daily Sun” in Laconia NH. I could not attend the march on Washington but I was there in spirit.

Right now I am so sorry for Rush’s condition and my prayers have been for him all day. We still need him and he can't#8217;t quit until all liberals agree with him. He still has much work to do and we are for him 100% and pray for him

God Bless you Rush! These are my thoughts on the proposed Healthcare Bill trying to be passed by the Democrats.

It worries me a great deal if LRGH, et al, is in agreement with a single payer healthcare for our citizens in the Lakes Region and for millions of people in these great U.S. In fact it troubles me greatly if Universal Healthcare is enacted. I am a Sr. Citizen 76 of age and I want to have as long a life as God gives me breath. I appreciate now the good care I currently receive from the doctor I chose. I DO NOT want some bureaucrat in Washington, DC tell me I don’t need a medical procedure with an agenda in the back of their minds that I will die soon so the cost of it would be better used on younger more eligible citizens..

I am very satisfied with my doctor I don’t want some senator, representative or Acorn representative telling me what medical care I can or cannot receive. Or tell me I am not allowed to have certain drugs or procedures needed for my good health. I want to live yes, to see my granddaughter graduate and married. I want my children and grand child to receive good healthcare in the future. I don’t want them to be exorbitantly taxed as will be the case. We are already in the trillions of dollars in debt. What is going on in Washington? This does not make sense to me.

Don’t get me wrong. I am very supportive of helping those who need healthcare who don’t have any insurance because of lack of job or because he or she cannot afford healthcare. We could actually use the Tarp money or the so called stimulus money for such people. It is my understanding as I listen to some, as I read excerpts of this plan, that if one does not pay into government healthcare one will be penalized monetarily and in fact could be put in jail. What kind of country would do such a thing? Certainly not the United States of America.

We will lose our freedoms, as the government will be privy to our financial records and arbitrarily take the needed fees out of our bank accounts. Doctors will not be free to go to an area in the country they desire if there are doctors already chosen by the government for such an area. They would be thrust about as the government sees fit. Will good qualified men and women pursue a medical profession under such a plan? Will our doctors be free to give medical procedures, etc to all, young and old. Our healthcare in the hands of good doctors will be very much in jeopardy. . Please let’s keep what we have now.

Why don’t the far left politicians in Washington want this Bill to be fully disclosed and read to the people? Why are they trying to rush this through without the citizens of the U.S knowing what is in the bill. Goodness not even the politicians know what is fully in this bill; and they will vote on it? This does NOT make sense to me. Now they are going to try to put this through on Christmas Eve; when people will be busy about celebrating Christmas. So much for an open administration who wants to let the people know what is going on. It is all being done behind closed doors in Washington. So much for the open government we were promised. The objective of this liberal, healthcare bill is not to see that you receive good, quality healthcare. Make no mistake about it – it is to have complete control over all our lives. And they will if this plan is adopted.

We pay these Senators and Representatives their lucrative salaries and why are they going to vote for it when 60% of the people in American DO NOT WANT IT. I certainly don’t. In fact it is downright scary. Are they selling their souls to appease Obama. It sure does not make sense to me.

Those in the low income bracket should be very suspicious of it. Where in the world is there going to be enough money to supply you with healthcare. There are not enough rich people in this country to supply yours and those in America their medical needs. Something like 47 million people will be under this plan, including illegal aliens as they are touting. You also will be taxed. I like the slogan “If you think medical costs are high now, wait till it is free”. Medicaid and Medicare are bankrupt. Social Security is bankrupt and we are not even going to get our COLA. In fact anything the government handles is bankrupt. Am I supposed to assume that this socialistic healthcare is also to succeed as they try to make us believe? When we get through, our children and grandchildren will be in dept to the tune of trillions of dollars. This does NOT make sense to me.

Please Government take your hands off of our healthcare and our freedoms. Citizens please don’t let these politicians return to Washington. Let’s vote them all out of office. I will do everything in my power to see that our representatives and senators who advocate universal healthcare don’t have a job in 2010.

Florence Shealy
Laconia, NH