Since Sep 30, 1998

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Greetings! I am a youngish, married, Conservative, and newly Catholic man. (Note the capital C's.) Like many formerly very young people, I was a left-leaning idiot drifting with the cultural winds. It took the election of Bill Clinton and the lectures of a very liberal and PC college professor to shake me out of my pleasant and oh-so comfortable adolescent faux-profound leftisms. George F. Will, Rush Limbaugh, C.S. Lewis, Friedrich Nietzsche, my then-future wife, First Things magazine, the Free Republic, and the Catholic Catechism were influential (in sometimes surprising ways) in my subsequent development.

In public and economic life, I am a mathematician and associate professor working at a fine, though here unrevealed, University.

I am mildly addicted to both caffeine and the Free Republic.

fdcc stands for FrogDogCarpCat of course.


I am no longer addicted to caffeine. (4/19/2001)

I am again badly addicted to caffeine. (10/18/2001)

I am again no longer addicted to caffeine. (12/17/2001)

Sadly, I am again caffeine dependent. (1/18/2002)

My daughter is born; late night feedings doom my struggle against caffeine to failure for the forseeable future. Alas. (5/18/02)

Several valiant attempts to free myself from caffeine have failed. Birth of second daughter earlier this year almost guarantees my continued dependency. (12/23/03)

I now have two girls and two boys. I am still very badly caffeine-dependent and ill-rested. Life is, nonetheless, exceedingly good. (8/21/09)