Since Mar 11, 1999

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OU Senior and libertarian planning on attending law school so I can rain destruction and reak havoc on creeping socialism and creepy socialists.

My favorite conversation with socialist chicks:

Me: "Nah, I don't like to date American girls, too much work..."
Her: "So what are you going to do?"
Me: "Well, I'm gonna go to the Phillipines and get me one of them 18 year-old girls looking to get married so they can get American citizenship."
Her: "Why would you want to do that?"
Me: "Well, when they get to be about 35 or so I can divorce them and let them be the maid or whatever if they want since they got their citizenship. Then I can go back and get me another young 'un..."
Her: ***Gasp of Horror***
Me: ***Pretending Not to Notice*** "... everyone benefits... I get a pretty young wife who doesn't speak much English every 15 years, some poor Phillipina gets to be a citizen of the United States and have a better chance at life..."

Anyway, this really cheeses them off because most of them think I'm serious. Cultural Marxism (also known as PC) demands that they be offended by the very thought that someone might behave in this manner. They also seem to dislike the thought that American women (socialist ones anyway) might not be as attractive as some foreign girl (hehe). Anyway, whenever I can I piss them off hoping that they can eventually see how irrational their point of view and the anger it generates is. This also works with conservative girls because most of them get a good load of feminist PC crap too (it seems to be unavoidable) and have to work it out somehow.

I like laughing my ass off (alot). I also like parenthetical comments.

Have a Nice Day !!! (Bash a Commie)