Since Jul 17, 2001

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I'm 20 years old, female, engaged, and studying Sociology & Social Work in college, although I'm minoring in ROTC and will probably go career military rather than spend my life giving hand outs to illegal immigrants and crack whores. I don't totally fit the "conservative" mold, because I am a pagan and am very dedicated to women's rights (not lesbianism or modern-day feminism though). I am also dedicated to the rights of native-born Americans and White Males in the face of today'd political correctness and reverse discrimination. I'm a registered Republican, but voted Reform (Buchanan) the first year I was allowed to vote & I'm growing increasingly sick with this new "compassionate conservatism" which seems to be a euphamism for sucking up to nonwhite immigrants (remember, white immigrants don't matter anymore - they don't show the worl how tolerant and "diverse" we can be) and to try to be more liberal than the Democrats, in exchange for a few more votes from the "disenfranchised minorities".