Since Mar 5, 2004

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I am (as those who know me best) an Elve not an elf (mystical being) but a living breathing Elve. I love the times of old, Knights, Longbow men, Kings, and chain mail armor.

I also am a person who is always keeping up with the present (at least as best as I can) I have many goles and ideas that young people have, the thing is I have worked for them for six years and as soon as I graduate I plan to make a good future for myself and for my future spous.

The land of Middle-Earth is my domain along with military stratagy, But if one is to be very good at military he must know his polatics along with how to NOT make his relations go bad hehehe... I Love poetry and write books, though they never make it to the print due to the fact that I never finish them unless someone gives me constant feedback...