Dyslexic Mom
Since Sep 7, 2005

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I'd like to apologize up front about the spelling and grammar of any comments I might post. I really am dyslexic. Luckily, it's fairly mild, but that means it took until my senior year of high school for anyone to figure out why I could never spell or do math worth a hoot. If I try real hard I can catch a lot of the mistakes, but some slip through. I read like a pro, but can't pronounce correctly what my mind has recognized and continues to hold onto in some cases. Numbers are pretty much a nightmare -especially four digits across. You can take it to the bank that if I'm not sweating blood to concentrait, the center numbers will be transposed.

Beyond that, I'm a long time lurker (five years give or take) and now that we have broad band on a brand spanking new computer, I finally decided to take the plunge. I'm very conservative. I'm a full time stay at home Mom (Ha! I'd love to be able to stay at home all day, but somebody has to be gopher for a house with husband, teenage son, married -but over constantly daughter and her husband, three dogs, three cats, and an African Grey parrot). My husband and I got married when I graduated High School and just celibrated our twenty-fifth anniversery (High School sweethearts that made it -he was a senior and I was a freshman -he's the only guy I ever dated, kissed or... you can fill in the rest). I told him years ago that if he ever cheated on me, I'd kill him, so she better be worth dying for. And he better make sure she thinks he's worth dying for, because I'm not prejudiced. I'll kill her, too.

My husband's a probation officer (the nightmares he sees there!) as well as Pastor. He used to be a reserve police officer and we've both had concealed carry permits ever since (too many drunks 'gonna get you and your family too!').

Our daughter is bi-polar and even flirted with witchcraft, but I talked her down off that ledge over time.

Our son is a car loving TEENAGE BOY. Enough said.

I hate public schools. If I could do it all over, I'd homeschool. Without a doubt.

Born in Kentucky, summers spent on Grandma's farm, gun packin', church goin', animal lovin' MOTHER. And you can tack anything onto the title you want. Nobody messes with me or mine or they lose.

That's me in a nut shell. Too many other quirks to go into. (^v^)

......................... Pam