Since Nov 7, 2003

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Miscellaneous thoughts:

on Dependence vs. Self-Reliance
The Democratic Party seems to be about promoting what’s worst in people. Whether they know it or not, they don’t trust people to make decisions for themselves, and wish to take that power away from people. The problem is that people only learn to make good decisions, i.e. become self-reliant, by actually making decisions on their own, learning from both good and bad decisions. Removing people’s ability to make decisions becomes a downward spiral of dependence, ultimately culminating in a very small group of people making the decisions for the much larger whole. 11/07/2003

on Excellence and Mediocrity
To be a modern Conservative is to strive for excellence and reward people who do the same. To be a modern Liberal is to expect and reward mediocrity. 2/19/04

on Character
Bill Clinton and John Kerry are cut from the same philosophical mold. Both worshipped John F. Kennedy. Not out of what he stood for, but the person he was. Both of them, most importantly, made decisions in life primarily based upon how those decisions would appear in the eyes of others. In other words, every decision was calculated based upon its future political worth. Most Americans make decisions based upon doing what they feel is the right thing for themselves and others. This method of decision-making results in the beautification of the soul. The decision-making process of Clinton and Kerry results in a corrupt soul. 8/04/04

on Conflict:
If two adversaries are of nearly equal ability, a fight will be bloody and costly to both sides.
If one adversary clearly outweighs the other in capability, the fight will not be nearly as costly. One of the following will happen: 1) the stronger will quickly decimate the weaker without provocation or 2) the weaker will attack the stronger (for whatever reason), and the stronger will quickly decimate the weaker, or 3) the fight never takes place because the weaker recognizes that an attack will be fruitless.
It seems to me that Islamicists don't see things this way. The fight itself, regardless of the odds or the cost, is noble in their eyes. We are playing in to it, as a nation, by allowing the Islamicists to think that their efforts will not only be noble but will also be successful. We are slow to anger and slow to fight, and when we do, we (currently) fight reluctantly. The islamicists know it, and they know the value that it gives them. The Left knows it, but feel justified in weakening our position because all combat is immoral. We are making ourselves weaker, thus prolonging the fight. Vietnam was like this, and the War on Terror is, currently, no different.
The sooner we can unload our Vietnam baggage, the sooner this conflict will end. The only thing we can learn about Vietnam is what NOT to do. Sadly, we are reapeating history by deliberately holding both hands behind our back, prolonging the suffering for all those involved. 8/20/04

on Democrats:

I don't consider myself to be right-wing. I consider myself to be a conservative realist (term I just came up with), and pretty mainstream. Liberals would have you think that the U.S. couldn't get any more conservative. Do they study history past the 1960's? Do they understand that we are at one of the most liberal times in history right now? Might they consider that it is they, for one reason or another, have come to view Socialism as mainstream Democratic party policy? Whatever happened to JFK Democrats? 8/30/04