Since Oct 11, 1998

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It Wasn't Me :-)

All you wanted to know about dragon6
(but were afraid to ask )

The most recent photo I could find was a costume one but this is me and my little dog too! Annie is a Jack Russell but was in dire need of a bath and hairdo when we took this picture! Really - She looks like a Jack when I pull her coat and clean her up!

My Freeper History

I wandered to Free Republic after Bill Clinton shook his finger at me and said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" I am a registered democrat and had supported that moron the first time he ran and the Lewinsky fiasco was just the final straw for me. Watching how the democrats in congress ran to his defense made me so mad that I started listening to Rush, reading Drudge and going into Impeach Clinton chatrooms on AOL. Someone there gave me the link to Free Republic and I was hooked. I will never vote for a democrat again - but am still registered in case they do anything I need to report here :-)

I am originally from Arkansas and married an army officer who has since relocated me many times. He's a Philadelphia native and was born a Conservative Republican to liberal Democrat parents ... wierd how that can be born in a person while others like me have to learn the hard way! We have a 13 year old daughter who is a perfect joy most of the time!

Screen Names and Where They Come From

I'm often asked about my screen name .. it's not all that fascinating a story but here it goes. When my husband and I first married he started calling me "the dragon" around his office to be funny ... he's a funny guy ain't he? When one of the guys would ask him if he wanted to go out for a beer after work he would say "Let me call the dragon and see if it's okay" Soon everyone in the office was calling me dragon6 because 6 designates a commander in army talk. I thought it was so funny that dragon6 became my favorite handle for all internet activity -- I even have a small dragon tattoo now.. but that's another story:-)

Now, if I said something obnoxious or out of line on a thread and you came here to check my member date then - oops ... I've been known to be loud and obnoxious - I think it's one of the more endearing qualities I have. I also place misspellings and bad grammar in most of my posts for your entertainment :-)

So, that's my life story .. at least any part fit to print on Free Republic!

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Constitution Society
Drudge Report
Linda Tripp
Patriots and Politics
Separation of School and State
House of Representatives
United States Senate