Since Sep 11, 2004

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Born: Jacksonville, Fl, USA

Arrive in Melbourne, Australia: Dec 16, 1999.

Former Radio and Television Announcer in America.

Presently: Customer Relation Director for Australian firm (First Aid Training Provider).

My life's partner: A lovely Australian lady.

Favorite music: Blues, Jazz, Country

Hobbies and Interests: Politics, Travel, News and Current Events, all sports, writing, NASA and outer space stuff.

Favorite movie of all time: Old Yeller

Favorite song of all time: I Was Built For Comfort/Howling Wolf

Favorite place: There's no place like home.

What I hate the most: Disloyalty

What would I do with a million dollars?: Invest it and make 10 million dollars, then invest that.

Favorite Book: "Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins

I'm a Virgo

Favorite Quote: "I didn't have sex with that woman..." Pres. Clinton

And finally I would like to say: "Let's re-elect George Bush. Send a message to Islamic Extremists around the world that they will be found and dealt with."