Since Oct 5, 2000

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Things have changed DRAMATICALLY in my life. I now live in Tallahassee, have a new wife and dog, and am being courted by Howard Dean (redneck driving a pickup with a confederate flag plate). Fat chance he's got.

Got no time for whiners and such. Ya see something wrong, fix it if you can, accept it if you can't, revolt if it gets to be too much.

This upcoming election is going to be fun to watch.
The Dems think they have a chance. The Pubbies are,IMHO,gonna win pretty big. The country is gonna lose 'cause there just isn't a lot of difference in the two parties. The Pubbies just don't allow socialist ideas to creep in as fast.And they're nicer people.


This isn't a true democracy,nor was it meant to be. I keep hoping the Pubbie politicos will remember that. FAT CHANCE!!!

Meanwhile, I'm keeping my powder dry and my skills up.