Since Sep 12, 2003

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i found this web site while looking up the execution of Perry Allen Austin for murdering my friend David Kazmouz in 1992. I never thought I was an activist until 9-11 and now Perry deciding he doesn't want to be executed. I was so sick of hearing about from all this snot nosed whiners saying we shouldn't execute because it is unconstitutional. Fine, but what about David? He was nine years old. He was the sweetest little boy you would meet. Perry lied and said that David got him to drop him off at the store, across a major street in Houston. David never crossed that street, he always called me or my sister to come over on our bikes just to take him. We were 14 & 15 when he was murdered (we were friends with the older brother Karrem-who Perry was after). I want Perry to die a very painful death,I want him to be drugged with something that makes him feel his whole body shut down one organ at a time, and watch him suffer. I am not a morbid person, but he drugged a nine year and murdered him. Why? Over drugs. If they were so important, why waste them on a nine year. I am glad police waited so long, at least he can't get off.