Darklon Magos
Since Jun 6, 2005

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I'm working on my philosophy. Here's what I have so far.

Always think for yourself. There are countless silver tongued devils in this world who will try to convince you of the rightness or justice or majesty and grandeur of their cause, and they will seek to sway you with flowery words or unbridled emotion, or 30 pieces of silver. They hunger for followers and will do whatever they think is necessary to turn you into a lackey. Do not succumb to them. Always look to the facts first.

Would-be emperors, tyrants, dissemblers, tricksters, salesmen, gamblers and holy men will all use their training to twist or color or conceal that which is true. Do not let them dissuade you from your quest to discover the truth.

It is said, that the facts will speak for themselves. Interpretation of the facts can be twisted or mis-reported. Evidence can be altered or manufactured, or re-written, But the facts themselves always remain true.