Since Mar 8, 2005

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Hello all...My name is Craig. I am a US Army veteran. I served from 89-93. I fought in the first Gulf War and in Somalia. I have worked on several campaigns, Mitch Daniels (Gov. of Indiana), Marvin Scott (Lost to Evan Bayh) and I was a Team Leader for President G W Bush. I love politics and debating! I am Christian (for you liberials...rightwing nut job! LOL) and believe that our country is under attack from the left. We have been slowly numbed to there agenda(gay marriage, liberial judges, lack of effective national defense, ect...)I am beyond mad about Social Security...This is our money! And I can not believe that more people are not up in arms about this topic! If the retirement plan for Congress is good enough for them, then it is good enough for the American people. Chile has had personalized accounts for many years now and it has been very successful incomparision to our SSN program! Lets take back control of our money and our country! God bless!