Cool Multiservice Soldier
Since Mar 20, 2005

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I joined FR because of my conservative views and because my dad (who is also a freeper) showed this site to me and it caught my interest. I've always had my conservative views because of my family and the way I was raised. All the time I was going to (sadly) a public school I realized that there was a bias to what was being taught so I read and asked my dad about the real story and got a better education than just going through school.

I've been on FR for a few years. but this is my new screen name. I have also been known as flynhghr2001 (I let a few of my friends use that screen name to post several replies also)armyboy, armyman, and finally the current name of Cool Multiservice Soldier. before i joined i was just a lurked reading the articles for 2 years.

I was in the Army National Guard for 4 years. My job while in th Gurad was an Avaition Electriciain. I took the Oath of Enlistment on January 23 2001 2 days before my 18th birthday. I graduated from high school May 2001 and was off to basic training June 2001. I Went to Ft. Benning For Basic Training and completed it August 2001. I went to AIT at Ft. Eustis. My first day of AIT clesses was Sep 11 2001. I completed AIT Feb 2002. One year later in Feb 2003 my National Guard unit was activated. We went to our mobilization site Ft Campbell for addititional training, and equpiment. Me departed the U.S. for Kuwait April 12 2003 and were stationed at Camp 35. In July 2003 we left Kuwait for Balad, Iraq aka Camp Anaconda. In June 2004 we went to Camp Doha, Kuwait to clean vehicles and pack the equipment to be shipped back home. later that month we flew back to the U.S. to Camp Atturbury for outprocessing. At the very end of June 2004 we were relesed from active duty.

I just transfered into the Naval Reserve into a Seabee unit and plan on going active Navy soon.