Since Oct 1, 2008

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We'd like to cordially invite you to attend a new website that we've created specifically for conservatives!

The Conservative Compendium

This site is designed to encourage conservative activism and has many tools for that purpose already extant and more will be coming down the line as we grow!

Please feel free to create a free profile and use the chat tab to join in the discussions of the events of the day!

Among the tools available are video chat (with webcam), youtube search, events calendar, thousands of links to various news and media sources, video IM (again, if you have a webcam), music and radio listening, games, classifieds, flickr searching, whiteboarding and many more tools, encouraging conservatives to become more active in the political arena.

So come on over and take a look. Feel free to forward suggestions on how to make the site more handy to!

Thanks for your time!