Since Apr 14, 2005

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Well, I am a lifelong grad student, having just finished my MA and planning to start my PhD in a year or two. My field of study is English literature - TS Eliot's The Waste Land was the basis of my master's thesis - which makes me the odd man out sometimes when the classroom talk turns to certain political/social discussions....

Speaking of which, those online "where are you politically?" tests always score me as being a fascist, because I tend to be socially conservative but economically liberal...oh well.

Grew up an Air Force brat, miss the lifestyle. I'm 27 and single, hoping to find me a wife some day. I think somehow I was born with a biological clock, as I've always wanted kids, even if just to give me the excuse of buying those sweet Steelers and Huskers pajamas they make for the toddlers these days...

Um, I better end this with what little manhood I have left.