Since May 10, 2001

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McVeigh saga diversion tactic of the year:

When you moon your neighbors, does your butt fill up the entire window, or does part of it actually hang out of the window, as I've heard?

21 Posted on 06/10/2001 15:58:04 PDT by sinkspur

(Editor's note: That statement was retracted and an apology was made.)


McVeigh saga quote of the year:

Skinny people are easier to embalm.

23 Posted on 06/08/2001 18:04:25 PDT by sinkspur


In the "Miracles Do Happen" department:

"I think the guy should NOT be executed until all this “missing documents” stuff is cleared up, and until we learn positively that he did not have other accomplices. Suppose, three months or three years from now, the FBI suddenly discovers even more missing documents?

Over the years, I’ve noticed that some government agencies like to “wrap up” their cases in “neat little packages”, whereas, in reality, not every case can be wrapped up in a neat little package and be absolutely complete, finished, and over with. I think the death of McVeigh is going to backfire on a bunch of old government farts in Washington D.C, who don’t understand the era we are living in today. I think the death of McVeigh is going to generate more McVeighs.

...However, I suspect that McVeigh was NOT in OKC alone that day. ...

102 Posted on 06/08/2001 19:42:08 PDT by Fred25 (Now Reincarnate)


The online shills are working hard to drag the whole OK City bombing discussion into endless circular arguments about minutia. But let us stay focused on what the issue really is. The FBI has withheld evidence in the Oklahoma Bombing Case. The FBI withheld at least 3000 (the number keeps going up) documents from the lawyers. The FBI withheld at least 3000 documents from the OK Grand Jury. The FBI withheld at least 3000 documents from Charles Key. AND...
The FBI lied to the American people about when they first became aware of the problem, initially claiming that the problem of the withheld documents had been known only for a few weeks, only to later be exposed as having been aware of withheld documents at least since late last year. -- Michael Rivero


Remember this, under Freeh, the FBI botched its investigation of nuclear thefts by the Russians and Chinese at our nuke labs, defense contractors and military installations. A review of the handling of Wen Ho Lee and SDI transfers at Kirtland AFB are perfect examples. A close read of the Cox report and of Notra Trulock’s allegations also raises doubts about the FBI under Freeh.-- OKCSubmariner


Waco was investigated. Twice. Then, it was investigated a third time. Same result. --- sinkspur (editor's note: that result was about 80 dead citizens )


Hey, if you guys want to solve a mystery and a conspiracy, try to find out what happened to that missing intern in Washington. Make yourself useful for a change. --- Fred25 (Now Reincarnate) (editor's note: thanks for the advice { divert, distract, delay -- the typical tactics})


The truth is, I've been exactly right on what I've posted. But not a single one of the Konspiracy Kult Klan will admit it. Not a single one of them will tell the truth. The Klan are people who howl about how the government lies, and how everybody else lies, but when they do encounter the truth, they themselves are adamant in lying, and refusing to face it or admit it. --- Red Redwine(editor's note: R.I.P)


To be truthful I wasn't there when Marx and Engles penned their original works nor have I read any of Marx and Engles work in years, but now that I think about it, it had to have been but one more con or scam created and perpetrated on the people in order to (once again) secure power ... isn't that the common *goal* that runs through the minds of those close to - or capable of - seizing, or getting elected to, positions where they can hold those intoxicating "reigns of power"? --- Underscore Jim (editor's note: I'm shocked that _Jim let his guard down)


Will wonders never cease:

To: Jim the Just
Do you specifically deny that the FBI lied and covered-up in the OKC bombing investigation?


65 Posted on 05/21/2001 14:00:35 PDT by sinkspur