Since May 23, 2010

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Cephalopod One is a liberal with a few conservative stands.
She does not identify with any political community’s objectives, and has not voted in the last two national elections.
She visits at many forums, but wishes only to post on threads where there is some level of agreement with her.
She is not a Third Way liberal, and believes that the Third Way people have hijacked the Democratic Party, co-opted the conservative “Contract With America” and deprived traditional liberals of their political voice.
She is extremely conscious of the threat of Islam and Oriental arrogance, and wishes to preserve Western Culture by way of education.
She suggests that you study history, and in particular, Western history, right now.
Learn a Classical Western language right now.
And above all, form an understanding of the uniqueness and significance of the West in the history of the world.
Cephalopod One is areligious, and she despises appeals to emotion. C1 has found her experience at FR to be very enlightening, though she disagrees with much written here.