Since Jan 12, 2005

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You're welcome as can be
To our corner of the world
So rest yourself awhile
And let your thoughts unfurl
We'll share what we have
From our hearts with a smile
And hope that you will say
Your visit was worth while.

c. cedarswingman

Of all the Countries on Planet Earth, God has granted the citizens of


I am old enough to remeber when America was good. When we didn't have to lock our doors, when young people respected elders, and the only place you could buy drugs was a pharmacy. When Old Glory was respected and waved with dignity. When the Ten Commandments was laws that folks actually tried to live by.

I've seen a lot of progress and change and in my humble opinion, not all of it has been for the good of America.

I am a Veteran of the Viet Nam era. I am also a singer/songwriter and the way I feel about the greatest country on planet earth is best expressed in my songs.

AMERICA. Love it or Leave it. If you need help leaving, contact me.