Since Oct 10, 2016

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IT professional
Gen-X. I was born in the 70s. Yep I’m an oldster. But I like to think I’m still hip and with it like today’s young students.
Longtime lurker- since 2003/2004
Government was my worst subject in school. Haha - I don’t pretend to be all up to date on the latest goings on of our wonderful government. I tend to think in generalities. Power breeds corruption, therefore: a powerful central government/globalism is bad. Less government and more dispersed regional government = good.
Center-right on some issues, far, far right on others. Just depends.
College taught me how to be a good little globalist. Life experience taught me how to not be.
I have a surreal sarcastic personality which only 1% of people can appreciate.
I like anime, manga, sci-fi, literature, funny stuff, scientific stuff.
100% born again Christian. I wish I could find a church home. Sadly I have not found the church experience to be very fulfilling so I just try to read the Bible and live according to God’s word. Lack of church family has always troubled me though but somehow I don’t seem to be cut out for church environment ;-;
Things I don’t like are preverts, preversions, Joe Biden, and.. creepy pervs.
I’m a guy and I love cats. Problem?
Not interested in impressing you or trying to be smart. I’m past all that and just want to be honest and be who I truly am. If you don’t like it too bad, just keep moving. But hey I’m pretty nice guy, mostly.
No, I’m not interested in hearing about your super submissive foreign wife. Get lost creep!