Since Sep 13, 2005

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Who is that masked man with the cute sidekick, and the big shield-thingy that looks like a giant "copyright" symbol, you ask?

If the pen is mightier than the sword, how much more mighty is the keyboard? If brevity is the soul of wit, then keywords will go to heaven. Put the two together, and you have unstoppable, overcoming, mighty, life-giving, death-destroying, bad-logic demolishing, pretention-anhialating, spelling-insensitive secret weapon of The Prince of Pith....

Captain Keyword!

Laser focused on the relevant points! Packing the concentrated power of a nucular warhead, what with all that relevance and wit jammed into mere words! Saying more in a single phrase than mere mortals can with entire sentences, Captain Keyword patrols the threads of FR seeking to root out the enemies of sophistry and bad premises.

Have no fear! Captain Keyword is here!

here we are, two steps ahead of the keyword police.