California Brown Girl
Since Jan 31, 2001

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Hey Fellow Freepers,
I am a byproduct of military life. My father was a drill instructor in the marine corp and I married an air force man. I have lived in San Diego, San Clemente and Oceanside, CA. Also, Hawaii, Seattle, San Antonio and now have just recently retired to Midwest City, Oklahoma.
My husband works for a govenment contractor and I am a Biblical Counselor with Scope Ministries International in OKC.

Have been lurking for years and finally got the courage to post.
I believe Free Republic is what many of us have been looking for...a place to know we are not alone. It gives me great strength and encouragement to come to this awesome place and read and post.

You guys are great and I am honored to call myself a Freeper!

God Bless the United States of America President George W. Bush and Free Republic!