Since Sep 17, 2004

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I’m a new Freeper and I’m 8-years-old, so please be nice.
My mom and dad are both Freepers too.

I think we have a great country and I just love my country. If I was 18 I’d vote for George W. Bush. I watch my mom and dad on FreeRepublic a lot and I saw that picture of those liberal democrats tearing up that poor little girl’s flag. That made me mad. I also believe in a good and strong economy.

My name, bulletinthegun, comes from my dad. He calls me bullet in the gun because he knows I will be a good conservative. He told me that in this country if we want to change our government we don’t have to kill people, we just have to vote them out of office (like Bill Clinton). So when I’m old enough to vote instead of shooting guns to get new leaders I’ll just vote. He says when I vote I’ll be a bullet in the gun, firing another shot for liberty.

My mom and dad may help me type some, but the words will be mine.