Since Jun 5, 2001

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I am a God-fearing man from Alabama. I love my family & my country and will gladly fight to maintain them and their freedoms. I am a modern Don Quixote. I will put my neck at risk to preserve the virtue of Ladies. I enjoy my guns and liberties as well as helping those around me who ask for help. But I will NOT gladly give what is not earned. You don't work; you don't eat. Simple enough?

The Lord said, "So as ye sowed, so shall ye reap." and "God helps those who help themselves." That doesn't mean to help yourself to something you didn't work for, like welfare or stealing. What it means, as Rev. Martin L. King, Jr, said, "Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps for you have none to blame but yourself for your station in life." (I paraphrase.) I am an open-minded, non-bigoted Christian who minds his own business. But I am very outspoken in my beliefs as well as my Constitutional & State's rights. I love to learn, thrive on it really, but don't try to ram indoctrinational BS down my throat or I'll return it in a way you wouldn't want. Be civil and I shall be more than cordial.

Stop by some evening and we can discuss everything under the moon while sharing a cigar & cognac or a big ol' glass of iced tea (chosen beverage of the civilized Southerner). ;o)

P.S. God bless our soldiers and guide our President!!!