Since Mar 4, 2017

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From my first post on Free Republic 3/6/2017:

For 20-plus years, as a minister in the DC area, I have taken 100s of groups and thousands of people around the city to share the overwhelming evidence of America’s Christian heritage visible in our nation’s capital. The evidence is there IF you know where to look and you know the actual words & true stories of our Founding Fathers.

I have a host of free materials I could send you by e-mail or snail-mail. And if you’re interested, we could have a phone conversation where I can lay out many ideas and options for your time in DC. Blessings!

From my second post on Free Republic 3/15/2017:

“In Their Own Words” - Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Washington...pick any Founding Father and by just quoting their own words you will astound most Americans. As a local minister, I lead Christian heritage outings in DC and typically use the “In Their Own Words” theme. That theme makes the acronym, I-TOW. As in, I tow you through the Capitol and I show you the overwhelming evidence of America’s Christian heritage by quoting the Founding Fathers in their own words. After hearing me share a good bit, a docent in the Capitol once told me, “I like your stories, but we’re not allowed to talk about God.” I replied, “It’s not me, I’m just quoting what the Founders said!” She said, “Well, we’re not allowed to do that.” How sad! The U.S. Capitol docents are ‘required’ to censor history. And that is symptomatic of many in our day. Mr. Jim Robinson, THANK YOU for initiating this thread [on Christianity in the Constitution]. America has dodged a bullet, but we’ll need to fight our way back to the right path. Press on! P.S. There are MANY outstanding resources out there, if anyone would like to see some of my various quote compilations that I use in DC, let me know.