Since Jun 5, 2009

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Being that every Conservative must once in a while give vent to his frustrations, seeing that the American way of life and living is being picked at and destroyed by the vicious Left, becoming a Freeper is the smartest thing I can do today as a proud but worried Conservative American. If I utilize my gift for gab and exercise my write to say/write whatever I want—while this right still exists...—I figure I might do some good down the road. Who knows...

My background, while typically American, is as individual as every American that makes up this country’s population. I’m a first generation American (exactly like Our Dear Leader, the president; except I can prove that I was born here, in Brooklyn NY) born to a Hungarian mother and Argentinian father. My mother, a refugee from Communist Hungary in 1956, has always been the moral inspiration to my political views: Religion, Capitalism, Moralism, Individualism, Independence, good neighborliness and the gamut of fine credos that make up a good Conservative boy in Brooklyn.

Growing up in a Left state like New York can be very challenging and demoralising—especially when from time to time we do have Republican leaders and they can’t seem to have the whole package to make for a prudent government, like Giuliani recently—but there is always room for rebound and being that we have the population that we have, either the second or third most populated state, we are always a press release away from welcoming a new leader—a TRUE leader—to or ranks who believes what we believe and wants to see us grow and not regress.

I believe that all things considered, we can pull a Carter/Reagan shtick on 2012; but that’ll happen only if Conservatives stick together and stop stabbing each other in each other’s backs. I’ll be writing about this a lot in my blogs and I hope I get conversations going. The popular Palin, Jindal, Pawlenty, Thomson and other-great-Conservative-leaders excitement must be channelled into careful strategy and prudent planning so that the GOP has the strongest Conservative out there by the time the chance comes a’knockin’.

But now that 2010 is still ahead of us I want to get to work on the Congressional elections and see if we can’t pull the rug out from under Kirsten Gillibrand, who though a nice lady from Upstate NY, is turning into a rotten Liberal legislator as her colleague, Chuck Schumer. Local, state, House members et al have to also be strongly contested to exhaust them till we go Conservative again.

So the work is cut out for us; a lot of political talk, ideological talk and all the great stuff we must discuss in order to become viable again. Nothing’s dead. The GOP isn’t; the Conservative movement certainly isn’t. The party of Lincoln, McKinley, Coolidge, Reagan and all of us is still strong.

We shall do it!!!